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>From amos-request@svcs1.digex.net Thu Jan 15 22:38:39 1998
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From: Mush <mushypd@redrose.net>
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Date: Thu, 15 Jan 1998 17:42:12 +0500
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Subject: Re: Inituition..
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It was on the night of 27-Dec-97, when no creatures were stirring, and all was
silent. Suddenly, Jens jumped out from behind a rock and wouldnt stop shouting
about "Re: Inituition.." until I was forced to knock them out:
�-> On 27-Dec-97, geosync@ozemail.com.au smashed the keyboard with:
�-> >Hi Jens,
�-> >You say you can open an AGA screen with AMOS, GUI and OSDevKit?
�-> YES, but the key is the OSDevKit, the GUI just handles my requesters as
�-> they are very difficult to write in the OSDevKit..
The test version of the GUI extension (which is due for public release not
too long from now) fully handles AGA and any graphics card screenmodes
selectable in an ASL screenmode requester. It blows away the OS Devkit, and
all the others!!
�-> If you'd like something simpler to open AGA screens then drop by the
�-> AmiNET and look in the 'dev/amos' there's an extension called
�-> 'intuition' it's also capable of opening AGA screens and uses full
�-> intuition. Unfortunaly the docs are not even half-finnished, but some
�-> good examples comes along and makes it a little easier to use. The only
�-> problem with THAT extension is that it's not capable of setting colours
�-> in AGA notification, it only uses the old fassion 4bit setting, while
�-> the OSDevKit can set the colours in 32bit (AGA standard)...
The GUI extension allows you to change the colours of any screenmode, just
as easily, if not easier, than regular AMOS screens. Keep your eyes peeled
for the new public release!!
�-> I've also heard that the next version of GUI is capable of opening AGA
�-> screens but I've not seen it yet...
Its true. I can send a compiled demo if you want. I have one here which
demonstrates the use of bobs on an intuition screen (about 650/sec on a 32
colour Superhires-Interlaced screen).
Andrew "Mushroom" Kellett
Email: Andy Kellett <mushypd@redrose.net> Team *AMOS* + IAPA Team *AMIGA*
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